I’m competitive. I think we all are, at least a little bit. While I’m no athlete and I don’t think there is anything I exceptionally excel at, I still am competitive in the sense that I want to succeed and know I did my very best, no matter the challenge. I was also raised knowing …
Wow, What a Summer! Thank you!!
Thank you, I’ve missed you… If your summer was anything like mine, well then you probably weren’t able to check-in on your favorite blogs, vlogs and social media friends as much as you had hoped. I shudder looking at my blog post timeline, but know deep down what matters are the memories made and not …
2017 Goals: Above
I started out 2016 by setting a few goals for myself and Motherhood & Beyond. Mostly I wanted to learn as much as I could about the world of blogging and continue to push myself to grow both as a blogger and as a “brand.” I had a great year. I made new partnerships and …
100 Post-a-versary! Hooray!
I can’t believe how far Motherhood and Beyond has come in the last year and that this marks our 100th post! Although it may seem like a small accomplishment, it is a very proud moment for me and I thought I’d share some of my favorite and most popular posts throughout this journey. Thank you …
The Disney Social Media Moms Celebration
Some have noticed, most of you probably haven’t, but to me, there has been a huge elephant in my blogging “Green Room.” You know, the place where you store all of your great post topics and ideas until they are complete and ready for their publishing debuts. This topic in particular has challenged me. Time …