December 27, 1954
Courtesy Time Magazine
Everyone’s blogs are buzzing with Oscar triumphs, disappointments and mispronunciations today. Yesterday’s glamorous evening proved yet again that Americans love to gather around the television, wearing anything from pajamas to evening gowns, to watch our version of “royalty” and share every moment through social media. Ellen DeGeneres’s selfie picture even broke Twitter for a bit. I too was guilty of sitting on my couch astonished by how wonderful everyone looked, when I commented to my husband, “Wow, I wonder if my hair would look cute like that?” His reply? “Well, maybe you should start just by brushing it.” Touché darling–well played! Fortunately for me, I was able to continue sitting on my couch, doing the laundry without a nation of judgmental eyes. (The three culprits to my messy hair and scruffy Sunday appearance, happily playing on the floor at my feet, don’t care what Mommy looks like.)
I have to say, I was moved by most of the speeches. Thanking their parents, reminding you to be your own hero, and the extremely common thread of: following your dreams. As a hero of mine once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney was an amazing dreamer and even through opposition, he never stopped. He turned his dreams into reality and those realities continue to impact the lives of many each and every day. In fourth grade, I picked Walt Disney for a report on an influential person and from then on, I have been fascinated with his life and story. A couple of months ago, I began reading reports of an independent movie being made about Walt and his life pre-Hollywood. I followed the film’s journey, remaining skeptical it could represent my hero the way I saw him, but with a little more research and a generous interview with the director, Logan Sekulow, I am extremely excited to see this movie and believe it may portray the “legacy of Walt Disney” very admirably.
Below is my interview with Logan Sekulow, director of “As Dreamers Do.” ** “As Dreamers Do” is in no way associated with The Walt Disney Company or the Disney family.**
Me: I know that the movie is a look into Walt Disney’s early life including his childhood in the Midwest and his love and aspirations around drawing. Can you elaborate any further on the story told in “As Dreamers Do”?
Logan Sekulow: The story is the all American journey from the time Walt Disney arrived as a little boy in Marceline, MO and it takes us all the way until Hollywood was calling his name. Most people don’t know this story, but it’s filled with great moments that would change his life forever. It’s also filled with heartbreak – whether it was bad business decisions or an unsupportive family. Walt had a journey that I feel anyone with a dream can relate to.
Me: I have been a Disney fan my whole life, and particularly fascinated with Walt Disney’s history and life story. What about this screenplay and subject inspired you to be a part of this project?
LS: I’ve been a fan of Walt’s since I was a little kid. I’ve always been interested in what’s behind the scenes. I remember as a kid grabbing a book that I was too young to read, at least 400 pages, and devouring it. I commissioned the script to be made, so it wasn’t like the script existed before. I wanted to tell the story and it just worked out to where it all came together.
Me: Walt Disney has always had a bit of controversy attached to his name. Does this movie offer any insight or address any of those concerns?
LS: Walt is our hero, he has good attributes and bad – but this movie is not about slander. I love the story of Walt Disney and this film takes a look at it almost through his eyes. I would hope that if Walt was to make his own biopic, it would turn out something like this. In fact, it is as much a tribute to the man as it is a biopic. I’m half-Jewish and I’ve done all my research. It makes me sick that the controversy even exists anymore.
Me: What message do you hope the audience takes away after watching this movie?
LS: That essentially a farm boy from the Midwest can grow up and change the world – which means you can too. He was a real person, but he was extraordinary. I hope people relate to Walt more than they ever have and I also hope this is a small part in keeping the legacy of the man, not just the brand, alive.
Me: Were there any scenes you had envisioned in your head and knew just how you wanted to shoot them? Any that you were particularly excited about filming? Any that were particularly difficult to film?
LS: So many – two that I think turned out the same if not better than they did for me feature Walt in his early twenties. One is a conversation he has with a mouse that is living in the studio. It’s a story that Walt told all the time about the inspiration for Mickey Mouse. Who knows if it is true, but for us the script was more fun to tell the stories the way Walt did. I think it’s just a beautiful moment. There is another one that was just visually inspiring and that was recreating one of Walt’s first big projects and one of his last in the Midwest – Alice’s Wonderland. I tried to get it as close as we could and there was a moment of it almost feeling like we stepped back in time. Walt fans I hope will rejoice when they see it.
Me: Anything else that you would like to share with my readers?
LS: The movie is going to be available on all digital platforms very soon and to keep engaged the most with the project, visit our different places: Facebook.com/waltmovie, twitter.com/waltmovie and waltmovie.com
Me: Again, thank you for your time and for graciously answering my questions. I am very excited to see the movie and can’t wait to write about it further.
LS: Thank you, it’s been a pleasure. Let me know if you need anything else.
Thank you again Mr. Sekulow, for taking the time to answer my questions and give a little insight about “As Dreamers Do.” The estimated release date is “Maypril,” so for now, please follow the movie on their before mentioned social media pages or at waltmovie.com and catch the latest trailer below. Please let me know your thoughts about this movie. Are you excited to see it? Anything else you would like to know about it? Personally, I am thrilled and cannot wait to share a review.
Fun Fact: True Disney fans will be excited to know that, Mr. Tom Bancroft is doing the opening credit illustrations for the film. Yes, THE Tom Bancroft!
Its a story that tells us that if you follow your dreams, take action, you too can make a change! You can make your dreams come true
Exactly Dave! Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. Have a magical day!