Picking up shoes, which somehow seem to sporadically appear in every possible room of my house, I noticed my oldest has around six pairs of sneakers. We usually buy him a couple of pairs a year since he wears them daily and grows like a weed, but I also noticed at least three of these pairs fit well and were in way better shape than my own running shoes. So why does he have several pairs while I have only one completely worn pair? Simple. It is what I like to call “Parent Priorititis.” What is “Parent Priorititis” you ask? I will explain.
I know for sure the last article of clothing or last pair of shoes I bought was not for me. I can almost guarantee the last item I bought at all was not for me, but rather for another member of my family. A sure symptom of “Parent Priorititis.” As moms, and really as parents and the like, we have the mindset to put others needs, wants and desires before our own. To bring a smile to my kid’s face gives me joy and I will happily sacrifice my own wants for their happiness any day of the week. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this and feel as though it is just part of the responsibility associated with being a mom, but sometimes, it is okay to put you first. Sometimes, it is healthy to do something nice for you and bring that happiness to yourself. So, I am deeming Mondays as “Mom Mondays.” I don’t mean every Monday I am going to go buy a new pair of shoes or spend the day at the spa, but rather focus on one thing, no matter how minuscule, which makes me happy (and not just happy from doing something for someone else.) Occasionally, “Mom Mondays” on the blog will now offer an idea, a story, a tip or tid-bit, something that focuses on “Mom.” So join me next Monday to start things off with a special celebration for all the parents out there who could use a little thank you for their “Parent Priorititis.”
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