This post is sponsored by “Always Eat After 7PM.” All opinions are my own. For more information, please see my Disclosure Page.
It’s already week 3! To be honest, this is about the time my will power (or lack there of) starts to fail me. Or maybe I start to fail it. It’s starts with just a nibble or a bite and ends with a full on train-wreck off the plan and back to my old habits. But, this week is different because Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is different. So, lets head into week 3 and I’ll let you know just how much progress I’ve made and how I feel.
To recap, in my first Always Eat After 7PM post I shared my goals of starting this plan. I wanted to lose weight, increase my energy and just be healthier overall. I’ve definitely felt more energized! Partially because I am eating better, staying hydrated and have lost a few pounds, but also because I’m sleeping better.
“A research paper published in Sports Medicine in 2014 showed that people who eat the majority of their carbs at dinner actually sleep better. Carb-induced, quality sleep decreases cortisol (a fat-storing hormone) and ramps up the production of your sleep hormones, serotonin and melatonin. Restorative sleep increases fat-burning hormones—the main one being growth hormone—overnight.”
In my second Always Eat After 7 PM post, I shared an update on completing the 2-week acceleration phase, along with the weight I’d lost in that time. I account my success to having an easy plan to follow with laid out easy to follow meal planning and great recipe ideas.
Week 3 began the Main Phase of the Always Eat After 7PM plan. With it comes even more selections and delicious recipes for meal and snack planning. So far, my favorites have been this Cheesy Ground Beef Skillet–

–or this creamy chocolate and cherry ice cream and the no-bake salted caramel bars above.

The best part about these recipes? They are family approved. I can make one meal we ALL can eat together. Hooray for ease and convenience!
So how did week 3 go? Well, pretty darn good! I’m down an additional two pounds making the total nine pounds in 3 weeks! Coming off of the Acceleration Phase I expected my results to slow a little, but definitely still happy with my progress. A little over 3 weeks in my will power is going strong and I’m still focused on my goals.
The Always Eat After 7 PM plan consists of: The 14-day Acceleration Phase to kick-start the program and see rapid results, The Main Phase where you’ll learn exactly which foods to eat when in order to achieve your weight-loss goals, The Lifestyle Phase to keep the weight off for good.
Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase.
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