If you remember, a few weeks ago, I co-hosted a Mommy Reality challenge with the lovely ladies from JENerallyinformed.com and leapfrogandlipgloss.com. These fun interactive challenges are a great way to meet fellow bloggers and have FUN! I love seeing the hilarious memes and funny stories others share.
For the challenge I co-hosted, the theme was: What is the one thing around the house you find yourself wanting and needing for Christmas? A thorn in your side you’d love to replace… I posted about how much I dreaded ironing anything will this terrible thing! Yuck! Ironing is bad enough, but ironing with this monster was just horrible.
I am happy to say, Santa listened to my request and I must have been on the nice list because I am now the proud owner of this little beauty. It is sad how excited I am about this. Seriously, I sound like I am describing a new car when I tell people about it. The streamline design, the chrome accents, the sky blue color! Clearly, it doesn’t take much.
Now, Jen and Celeste are having a new challenge! One about Breaking Bad…habits that is, breaking bad habits. We all have New Years Resolutions, so what is yours? For me, it’s the age old-probably give up by March-really need to lose some weight-going to do it this time-DIET! My bad habit is that I eat when I am bored, worried, stressed, angry…okay I just like to eat! I find myself snacking or looking for snacks especially when I am bored. Not sitting on the couch with nothing to do bored, I long for days like that, but while I am cooking lunch, or while I am on a conference call, or while I am helping my oldest with homework–just little times in the day I grab a handful of treats. (And never very good choices.) I am starting this year with a no snacking rule and I have even put reminders up around the house.
So, here is to being successful with all of our 2015 resolutions! I am trying my hardest to break this bad habit and for those times I do need to graze or just get a little something, I am vowing for it to be almonds or fruit or veggies and not Cheetos.
What are you trying to give up or quit this year? Please share your story in the link-up at https://www.jenerallyinformed.com/2014/12/mommy-reality-26-breaking-bads/ or share a funny photo on your favorite social media with the hashtag #mommyreality. Good luck!
Good for you Lauren. One bad habit at a time, and soon we will be Practically Perfect in every way!
Thanks, Patty!
This is fabulous Lauren! I love your sign! I need to make one of those because I do the same thing. Sometimes it is just so easy to pop something in my mouth and I don’t even realize I am doing it. I just went through the cabinet and dumped out all of the crap. I just can’t have it because I eat it. I am overhauling the way our family eats. Hopefully it works 🙂
I have several around the house. Some of them are a little more blunt, lol! Good for you! We eat fairly healthy, but I agree, if the open chip bag is on the counter I will reach in and snack without even knowing it, so it is better just not to have them in the house.
Oh and I forgot to tell you that Santa did a good job on the iron! Very nice!
Haha, thank you! He did good! If you’re going to iron, you may as well do it in style.
I agree that it’s so easy to snack when you’re not even thinking about it. Great resolution!
Thank you, Kristy!
I love that you left notes for yourself around the house. It’s so true that sometimes you (ahem – me!) should drink water or wander around vs. grabbing snacks and eating.
Congrats on the new iron. I got fancy wiper blades, which I desperately needed! I feel better already driving around in Michigan winter weather. Funny how something so mundane can be just what you need!
Thank you, Katy! I have several little reminders, some of which are a little more blunt! Hooray for wiper blades! It is true. I never though there would be a day in which I was longing for an iron!
OoOoOoH… that iron is gorgeous! Never thought I’d say that about an iron, but there that is! Congratulations.
I love your cute sign! I need to do that with soda (“Drink H20 instead”) or better yet, ban it from the house.