New Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Coloring Pages just in time for Spring Break! Spring Break is here! It’s fun to plan activities and special experiences for the kiddos, but I still need to keep up on laundry, make dinner and the like. While we do schedule some screen time, I like to keep it …
Archives for March 2017
Celebrate the new movie with Seedling’s Design Your Own Disney Beauty and the Beast Activity Kits
It’s almost here! The much anticipated release of Disney’s newest live action fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast is only days away. If you’re like my family, it’s been an almost agonizing wait. We’ve watched the animated version, listened to the soundtrack and entertained ourselves with Beauty and the Beast coloring pages, but thanks to …
Spring Cleaning Smart With Google Chromecast Audio at Best Buy
Warmer weather, birds chirping, flowers blooming…it can only mean one thing–time for spring cleaning! While fresh air and cleaning supplies are important, the number one thing to make cleaning and organizing go from “blah” to “hurrah” is music. Throw on some great tunes and it’s amazing how much you can accomplish all while moving, shaking …
Spring Cleaning Smart With Google Chromecast Audio at Best BuyRead More
2017 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport AWD 2.0T Review #DriveHyundai
Stunning, rugged style and luxurious detail had us loving the 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport AWD 2.0T the moment they dropped it off for our review. Overall we were impressed, but there were a few things not quite as pretty about it… Impressed at First Sight The sparkling nightfall blue paint glittered in the Colorado …
2017 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport AWD 2.0T Review #DriveHyundaiRead More