By now you’ve probably read my post about all the fun I am having Co-Hosting the Mommy Reality challenge for the next two weeks. I hope you are all busy thinking about the one thing (or many things) in your house you have no explanation for continuing to use and keep. I had a few good ideas, but then last night as I went to iron my husbands dress shirt, I remembered the most hated appliance in my house. Meet my chore-time nemesis: The Iron of Frustration! Now, I really don’t mind ironing and we have saved a ton of money by not using the dry cleaners, but well, as you can see, my iron has seen better days. The plate is all gunky, (probably from starch and various craft projects) and the iron has been dropped a few too many times and no longer holds water.
I have to use a cover cloth to make sure the gunk doesn’t get on the clothes and I can’t use the steam, so I have to use another squirt bottle to smooth the wrinkles. It could be worse I suppose, but every time I use it I swear I’m throwing it away and yet, I still have it. If you had ever asked me if I would be yearning for a new iron as a gift I would have told you you were stark raving mad, but just thinking about a nice smooth, well working iron makes me as giddy as a kid again. Motherhood never fails to amaze me. I am always learning things about myself I never knew, but here is to hopping for a new iron!
Visit my previous post (link above) to link up your mommy must-have this Christmas and make sure to also stop by and say hello to Jen at and Celeste at They are the brains behind these fun challenges and their blogs are amazing!
I can relate to this. I really need a new iron myself. Every time I iron, it leaks water all over my clothes and they also end up with gunk on them, but some how I always manage to forget that I need a new one until the next batch of clothes I need to iron comes up.
My dilemma exactly! Thank you for stopping by, Celeste!
Oh man not the dreaded cover/protector cloth in order to iron clothes!!! I have done that far too many times. I really love the times when I forget to use a protector and the clothes I iron end up with ironed on black gunk!! Agreed, time for a new one 🙂
Between the cover cloth and the leaky crack at the top, I may utter a few not nice words every time I iron. Hopefully there will be one under the tree this year! (Still can’t believe I’m wishing for an iron though.)
Hi Lauren….Now that is one tired looking iron you own! It needs putting out of it’s misery for sure. …I use a fine sand paper to clean gunk off my iron plate and it does work….(Just in case none sees your Christmas list).
Haha, it really is! Thanks for dropping by and joining the challenge!
Oh my Lauren my heart goes out to you on this one as that iron has definitely seen better days! I have an iron that is probably about seven or eight years old and still looks brand new as I cannot stand ironing. q Quite frankly I just really suck at it! So if my clothes are wrinkled I grab a washcloth and get it soaking wet then through it and the item of clothing into the clothes dryer and POOF the wrinkles are gone and I’m multi-tasking at the same time! Hahaha! Now you can see why not having a dryer was really killing me! Thanks for co-hosting for the next couple of weeks…I am enjoying getting to know you! xx Lysa
OOPS sorry for all of the typos I’m really tired and should just try to go to sleep! 😉
Lol. No worries. I fully understand trying to cram every extra second into the day. I get the most done late at night while the rest of the family are sleeping. 🙂
This happened to my last iron, that’s when I decided I wasn’t going to iron anything anymore 😉
I love that idea, Janine! Way better than a new iron — a free pass to never iron again! Perfect! Thanks for stopping by!