Having a preteen these days means I am completely oblivious to what’s cool. I held on to the fact that I was still young and hip as long as I could, but just typing the word “hip” probably shows how uncool and mom-like I have become. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but I am accepting the reality. The only thing I have to grasp at is my love for technology and social media. At times, and though he doesn’t willingly admit it, I know my oldest is a bit proud of my “social skills.” Although, I love being tech savvy, when he starts talking Minecraft and video games, and is plugged into his Xbox or tablet or cell phone, I know there are times my eyes glaze over and I push for him to go outside, play with Legos, or even pick up a book. Just this past week I initiated a snowball fight by hitting his window with them until he came outside to play. Now, don’t get me wrong, he isn’t always “plugged in,” we have our parental controls set and our time limits, but I just wish he would be as excited to play with other things as he is to play with his video games.
And then something magical happened…
We found a place that he is more excited about than video games. A place where he will freeze his bum off happily playing outside all day. A place where he will work hard, shovel manure, get dirty and have a blast doing so. A place I grew up at and held so dear, I got married there: our family ranch. He unplugs willingly, excitedly even, and plugs into the great outdoors! We are so blessed to have this opportunity and I am such a proud mama watching him explore, learn and grow!
Here is his first time riding solo after only being on a horse two other times. (Ignore Grandma’s commentary, she was excited, too.) I love this moment and am so happy to have found another way to enjoy life together, as a family!
Thank you for sharing this proud moment with me.
How wonderful! Sometimes it feels so hard to really connect with them the older they get. Moments of shared interest like you and your son have here are so special!
Thank you, Jen! It’s wonderful and I just love watching him out enjoying life, learning responsibility and having fun!
Animals are such a great thing for children. I grew up with horses and there is nothing better! Thanks for sharing!