Every Friday I have my hands full with several kiddos ages 2-10. While it is truly wonderful to have my day filled with giggles and squeals of delight, I have learned that having some sort of plan is the difference between controlled chaos and craziness. I always schedule a fun craft to keep the kids creative and engaged, but sometimes I need a quick and easy activity to keep them busy while I whip up lunch or get the youngest down for nap-time. When that time comes, I pull out the giant margarita bucket filled with crayons (terrible, I know,) grab a stack of these fun Disney activity sheets and they all happily take a spot around our kitchen table. These also happen to be perfect to take to restaurants and for meetings or appointments. I always had a stack in my office at work or would bring them to PTA or other school meetings.
I hope you find these sheets as popular and useful as we do. I’ll make sure to update them as more fun ones are released!
Frozen Kristoff Coloring Sheet
Thank heavens for coloring sheets right?? I couldn’t live without them and now thanks to you I have a whole new slew of them to do with the kiddos!
You’re very welcome and I completely agree–they come in so handy in so many situations. Heck, I even love to sit down and color!
Oooh, my kiddo will love the Big Hero 6 stuff!
Those were special request from my son. He is almost always the only younger boy and told me he was tired of coloring “girl things” and wanted superheros.
Hi Lauren, if things get tough you could always fill the Margarita bucket with Margarita! Am I showing my bad Mum colours?
Colouring is always a winner and these days with the ability to print out activity sheets, it makes keeping children occupied even easier. When the children had birthday parties activity sheets, blank paper and crayons were always lifesavers.
This is EXACTLY what i needed today! I am trying to get caught up on some work and wanted some small activities for the kiddos. Thank you!
Happy to help, friend!