A couple of weeks ago, when I posted about Walt Disney Studios Movie Releases for 2015, several of you commented here (or on my social media accounts) about your adoration for Marvel and the Avenger movies. I also love these movies and not just for the superhero eye-candy (although I’ll never complain about the added …
Archives for January 2015
Disney Drink of the Day: Skinny Coconut Mojito
For the New Year, I am trying to break some bad habits and lose a little weight, so I thought that doing a skinny cocktail for this week’s Disney Drink of the Day was very fitting! Last September, I made it my mission to drink every drink on the standard pool bar menu and …
A First Look at Marvel’s Ant-Man
Last week, I wrote a post about all of the amazing Walt Disney Pictures movie releases scheduled for 2015. It is seriously going to be a phenomenal year! Fairy Tales, Marvel, Star Wars and more–I can’t wait to get to the box office and start watching. (The first released, Strange Magic, is January 23!) This …
Breaking Bad…Habits
If you remember, a few weeks ago, I co-hosted a Mommy Reality challenge with the lovely ladies from JENerallyinformed.com and leapfrogandlipgloss.com. These fun interactive challenges are a great way to meet fellow bloggers and have FUN! I love seeing the hilarious memes and funny stories others share. For the challenge I co-hosted, the theme was: …
Wordless Wednesday-Pure Joy
Even though it’s only through a computer screen, watching fireworks light up the sky above Cinderella Castle always elicits this much joy and excitement from my kiddos. Watch the NYE celebration here. (Skip to 20 min. for the show to start.)